My Dog Ate Glass What Should I Do?

We all know that some things are good for us, and some things are not.

Humans have the ability to reason what they should, and should not be eating. Dogs may lack this ability, and eventually will gulp something before thinking.

What happens when you realize your dog ate some glass, perhaps a glass ornament? It’s up to you to handle the situation.

Consumption of sharp objects is a life threatening situation! Describe your dog’s symptoms to a certified veterinarian ASAP! remember to be thorough.

What Are The Risks?

First, assess the situation. Depending on the size and shape of the glass shards, your canine companion may be simply at risk of some cuts on the lips, or the far more dangerous prospect of internal injuries. And, if you’re extremely lucky, there will be no problem at all.

What Happens When A Dog Eat Glass?

You can’t count on luck alone. It’s possible that your canine buddy may come through unscathed, but you can’t depend on that possibility.

The first danger he will face is injuries to his lips and/or tongue, which may suffer small or even large wounds.

That’s why it’s vey important to examine your dog’s mouth thoroughly.

Everything will depend on the the condition of the object. If he ate broken glass or swallowed some big pieces, than these are more likely to do serious harm externally, and are most likely to cause oral lacerations.

The good news is that your pooch is less likely to swallow the pieces if they are big, but will instantly spit them out. But smaller, or even medium sized, ones can easily make their way along to the stomach, and this is where you can run into some major issues.

A glass bowl is particularly threatening

Best case scenario, small pieces will eventually make their way through the gastrointestinal tract with a minimum, or even no damage.

Your pup most likely has substances in his stomach from previously eaten meal which will encase the broken glass, easing it’s way through his system.

However, there is always some danger that a larger piece may cause some laceration to your pet’s organs. The lining of the gut and/or the intestinal tract could be cut, causing a bleeding on the inside.

Your canine buddy may suffer from gastroenteritis. or even a blockage could develop, leaving your pooch swollen and unable to pass anything.

This could be a life threatening situation, but it is also completely possible that everything will pass normally with a minimum of discomfort on both your animal and you.

What To Do If Your Dog Ate Glass?

If you know, or even suspect, that your dog has inadvertently ate some glass, it’s up to you to watch for symptoms of trouble.

Instead of feeding the dog cotton balls right of the bat, contact your veterinarian instantly for advice on what to look for, and how to deal with the situation.

The most noticeable indications will be external. Check for cuts, both large and small, on the mouth.

But remember that you are no professional. What appears to you to be as okay and relatively insignificant may be deeper than they seem.

The mouth is a hotbed of infection, and oral injuries can become septic if not handled correctly. Wounds at this this body part will require a visit to a professional for examination and treatment.

Is the animal showing signs of choking because glass pieces are stuck in his throat? You can tell by the gagging or the pawing at the neck. Your vet may describe techniques to assist the foreign material in its movement through.

What Not to Do!

As much as you may think it would be a good idea, inducing vomiting is in fact, a terrible choice. Contractions of tissues during the vomiting process can cause additional harm especially to the esophagus when sharp items are being brought back up.

Your vet may advise you to feed your furry friend some bread, or pumpkin, or, perhaps, mashed potatoes.

Feeding this kind of food can help encircle the offending particles and prevent your pooch from having glass stuck inside his intestines. This is especially true if your pooch is a small animal .

Other signs to keep track of include vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, and a painful abdomen. And, I’m sorry to have to tell you, you will be on poop patrol for the next several days.

Watch for blood in the stool, or bloody diarrhea, or diarrhea of any kind. straining to defecate, or constipation can also be worrying symptoms to look for.

Besides checking the frequency and condition of your pup’s stool, bloody (blood in the stool), runny, or otherwise, it is just as important to monitor what they contain, or don’t contain. I know that you’re not looking for valuables here, but you must be observant nonetheless.

If you have not noticed any glistening particles in your pup’s fecal output for the first day or two, haul him off to your local vet’s office for veterinary assistance. That foreign object has to go somewhere, and if it hasn’t moved through his system, it is lurking inside, possibly causing further destruction.

But bear in mind that if your canine buddy shows any of these symptoms at all you are advised to take him to your veterinarian for proper support immediately . Don’t wait until the issue becomes too big to solve. The longer the situation persists, the higher the likelihood of complications.

A piece of glass from a christmas ornament is way hazardous

A professional will probably advise that you feed your four-legged friend four to six small meals, with added fiber, instead of his customary one or two meals, over the next few days. This will help to confine sharp edges of the particles in his digestive system to prevent any further injury and ease their passage.

Watching carefully and waiting patiently will be your watchwords for the immediate future.


Remember that accidents happen. this is why you should never let dogs eat from a glass bowl or lurk around a glass ornament (such as a christmas ornament) .

However, if such incident occurs…

Remember that cotton balls are NOT the obvious answer, and please don’t panic.

Careful observation on your part at home and timely intervention by your vet will make sure your furry friend comes through with as little pain and as few problems as possible. Just hope he doesn’t develop a taste for the stuff!

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